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Thomas W. Brunk, PhD (1949-2018) Freer Scholar and Historian, Founding President
Phebe Goldstein (1930-2020) Founding Chair 

Board of Directors

William S. Colburn, Director, The Freer House, MPSI
Michael D. Coleman, MS, Co-owner, Keirdale Properties, LLC
Carol Edwards, Board of Visitors, Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute (MPSI) Institute of Gerontology (IOG)
Marianne Endicott, Board of Visitors, MPSI
Rosemary Foster, Operations Coordinator, MPSI
Alissa Huth-Bocks, PhD, Director, MPSI
Thomas B. Jankowski, PhD, Associate Director, IOG
Kenneth Myers, PhD, Head, Dept. of American Art, Detroit Institute of Arts
John Douglas Peters, JD, Treasure Press 

Board of Advisors

David Park Curry, PhD, Curator of Decorative Arts, Painting and Sculpture, Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD
Heather Ecker, DPhil, Curator of Islamic and Medieval Art, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX
Lee Glazer, Ph.D, Former Curator of American Art, Freer Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.
Susan A. Hobbs, PhD, Director, Thomas Dewing Catalogue Raisonne, Alexandria, VA
Yukio Lippit, PhD, Professor of Japanese Art, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Linda Merrill, PhD, Independent Scholar, Atlanta, GA