Infant Mental Health Faculty

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The Infant Mental Health Dual-Title Degree program has a multi-disciplinary faculty with expertise in working with families and young children. Faculty share common interests in caregiving relationships, attachment, and social-emotional development and they value reflective practice. Together our faculty have expertise in a variety of areas including: domestic violence, trauma-informed interventions, home visiting, reflective supervision, emotion regulation, reflective functioning, child abuse and neglect, postpartum depression, and developmental psychopathology. Visit the IMH Research Page to learn more about how our faculty are contributing to the knowledge base in IMH and engaging with the metro Detroit community to translate their research. Our faculty also collaborate with IMH researchers across the state and are members of the Michigan Infant/Toddler Research Exchange (MITRE).

Ann Stacks, Ph.D., L.M.F.T., IMH-E R/FIMH Program Director 

Her research focuses on caregiver reflective functioning and the effectiveness of interventions.


Carolyn Dayton, Ph.D., M.S.W., L.P., IMH-E R/FAssociate Director, IMH Program and Associate Professor of Social Work 

Dr. Dayton teaches Infant Mental Health Intervention, Infant and Family Mental Health Assessment, and Social Work Practice with Young Children and Families. Her research is focused on early parenting processes with an emphasis on fathering in urban settings. Her research is focused on early parenting processes with an emphasis on fathering in urban settings.


Carla Caringi, Ph.D., L.M.S.W., IMH-E (IV)IMH Program Clinical Coordinator 

Dr. Barron teaches the IMH seminar and works with the School of Social Work and community agencies and supervisors to coordinate advanced year MSW IMH field placements. Dr. Barron worked clinically as an IMH home visitor for more than 15 years and provides reflective consultation across the state of Michigan and nationally. Her research is focused on reflective supervision/consultation and the support and training of IECMH practitioners.


Marjorie Beeghly, Ph.D., IMH-E R/FAssociate Professor, Psychology 

Dr. Beeghly teaches Infant Behavior and Development. She studies the impact of risk and resilience factors on children's communicative, cognitive, and socio-emotional outcomes, and how individual differences in parenting and parent-child social interactive processes may alter these associations.


Kimberly P. Diamond, Ph..D, IECMH-E®, Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor-Policy

Dr. Diamond teaches the IMH seminar and is founder and CEO of Safe Harbor Healing and Wellness Services, LLC., offering therapy for very young children and family consultation, group, organizational, and conference-based workshops. Dr. Diamond also provides individual and group reflective supervision for providers who support infant and early childhood mental health (IECMH) serving systems and agencies. Her work supports capacity building efforts to deepen the understanding and application of the intersectionality between IECMH, reflective supervision, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). A common thread in all of Dr. Diamond’s professional work has been to illuminate disparities in access to resources for all families, children of color, and to promote racial healing and DEIB among all who support, mentor, and teach them. A licensed clinical psychologist and an endorsed IECMH Clinical and Policy Mentor, Dr. Diamond received her doctorate in counseling psychology from Loyola University Chicago.