Georgina Drury

Georgina Drury

Infant Mental Health Dual-Title Student

Georgina Drury


Georgina is earning her doctorate in Developmental Psychology with a Dual-Title Degree in Infant Mental Health. Her research interests include the developmental trajectories of premature infants, psychological and developmental assessment, and implementation science. She practices clinically at Arbor Psychology Group as a psychologist specializing in assessment and Autism Spectrum Disorder testing. After graduating, Georgina hopes to work in an interdisciplinary clinic, such as a NICU follow-up clinic providing developmental guidance, doing assessment, and connecting families with effective and accessible interventions and resources.

Research Focus

 Georgina's research interests include preterm infants, NICU populations, developmental trajectories, psychological and neuropsychological assessment, program evaluation, and implementation science. 

Courses Taught

 PSY 1010, PSY 2400, PSY 3993

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