Anna Miller
Anna Miller is Executive Director of both the College of Education (COE)
Early Childhood Center and the Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute Early
Childhood Center at Wayne State University. She is also a Lecturer and
undergraduate advisor for the Early Childhood Education program in the
COE Teacher Education Division.
Anna has worked with young children and their families in the Detroit
area for over 30 years. She oversees the Michigan Department of
Education Great Start Readiness Program grant (Early Experiences for
Urban Four-Year-Old Children) and the U.S. Department of Education
Child Care Means Parents in School grant (CCAMPIS). In service to the
community, Anna serves on several committees related to young children
and provides professional development to early childhood programs. She
is a member of the National, Michigan and Metro-Detroit Associations for
the Education of Young Children (NAEYC; MiAEYC; MDAEYC ); the Michigan
Reggio Collaborative Group, the North American Reggio Emilia Alliance
(NAREA), and the Michigan Association of Early Childhood Teacher
Educators (MiAECTE).
Anna Miller is an innovator in early childhood education. For example,
Anna is conducting pilot studies to translate evidence-based Visual
Thinking Strategies from elementary school to pre-school age children,
and to implement the use of cutting-edge media technologies into early
childhood centers. She co-directed, with Dr. Sharon Elliott (COE),
preschool paraprofessional training for the Detroit Public Schools in
2009-2010. Anna Miller is also a highly sought and active presenter of
10 to 14 professional development trainings for early childhood
educators each year.