Colloquia Talks Break Attendance Records


Spring 2021

Research colloquia presentations have long been a highlight of student and professional training at MPSI. Held twice a month throughout the academic year, these hour-long talks bring experts from around the country to discuss their latest research. Topics examine child and family development from diverse perspectives, including neuroscience, criminal justice, racial identity, abuse and neglect, and LGBTQ+. 

All sessions are free and open to MPSI faculty, staff and students, as well as professionals working in related fields. Attendees qualify for 1 continuing education credit in psychology. A post-presentation hour, open only to MPSI's trainees, encourages them to discuss topics more deeply with the presenter and consider implications for their own research.

Julie Wargo Aikins, MPSI training director, was understandably concerned about transitioning the program to a virtual platform when COVID struck. To her surprise, attendance has been consistently high, about 30% higher than in-person. "The online version allows people to easily attend who would otherwise have difficulty getting away," Dr. Wargo Aikins said. "It's also opened up possibilities for out-of-state speakers who might not have had time in their schedule to travel here." The online version has been so successful, she is considering a hybrid version once WSU re-opens. 

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Cheryl Deep manages media relations and publications for the Merrill Palmer Skillman Institute. To interview faculty, pursue a news tip or learn more about what we do, contact her at (313) 664-2607 or